Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 2 Son of Double Dog Challenge: Another 1/5th down and woke up thirsty. Huh?

 Scale: 247.6

Yesterday's calories went over the limit by 7. Not that bad. Would like to stay nicely under today. Dat's da plan.

Water yesterday was 168 ounces, well above the accelerated level of 135 oz.

Seems that my rate of loss if I stay close to limit and minimally exercise and drink tons of water is about 1/5th of a pound a day. About 1.5 a week. That's above my bloggy goal for each week and a good rate, a healthful rate, but it won't get me to the 234 that I'd ideally make on December 8. BUT...I have faith and optimism and will eat and drink and let the scale tell the tale.

In any case, as long as it goes DOWN, I am happy.

Drinking the water does take effort and planning (gotta constantly refill Pur pitcher, gotta make sure I drink before and after meals, etc), but it's NOT HARD. Nowhere near as hard as I thought. That's an epiphany.

I heard from Ann that the body adjusts and the bathroom runs decrease. Interesting that, if so. I know that, oddly, I've woken up thirsty two days in a row. I have no idea why that is, since I'm well hydrated, beaucoup hydrated. Maybe now my body is getting used to having more water, so I sense when I've goen 8 hours without? Mebbe?

Okay, the boring food/water log:


WS hot cakes with sugar free syrup
2 tsp Smart Balance
2/3 cup fresh papaya
coffee with sucralose, 2 cups
6 cups water

Calories:  267  (37 carbs, 7 fat, 13 protein grams)
Fluids: 64 oz

LUNCH: (post Pilates, dropped by Subway)
meatball salad (all the veggies except pickles/banana peppers), w/ shredded mozzarella)
tall 2% milk latte at Starbucks (count as 8 oz fluid)
6 glasses water (4 of them before eating)
10 ounces of Coke Zero
assorted supplements

lunch calories: 465
lunch fluids: 66 oz

WS Vanilla protein shake (made with 8 oz water)
2 glasses water

calories: 100
fluids:  24 oz

Calories so far: 832
Fluids so far: 154 oz (exceededthe "accelerated" level!)

WS Cocomint shake
2 glasses water

calories: 100

4 glasses water
1 roasted chicken breast, sans skin
1/2 cup white rice
2 cups iceberg lettuce, 1 tomato, lemon juice and salt
1 bag WS Taco Cheese Puffs and 1 oz Jarlsberg Swiss cheese
2 Dove chocolate minis

Dinner calories: 600

Total Calories for Day: 1432
Total Fluids for Day: 202 oz


  1. Is the WS stuff good? I'm thinking of ordering some as if I'm going to snack I'd like to get some protein in. I just need to find out about the shipping/import costs.

    Your food sounds yummy.

    I read blogs on a reader so get your posts before the food is on them and often forget to go back to see what's up but it's very interesting reading a daily meal plan.

  2. I love looooove the hot cakes and the vanilla pudding/shake, I also really like the mint-chocolate pudding shake, cause it takes like mint chip ice cream, and I like it as a later night "I'm done eating" sort of snack. Mint makes me feel "done eating" , ya know?

    The soups suck. Stay away. The fruit drinks suck. BUT...the BariWise fruit drinks are nice (the pineapple is my fave, and I sometimes mix it with lite coconut milk for a protein pina colada). The entrees are okay. I add veggies to them to make them enjoyable: the spicy cheese pasta and vegetarian joe and the chili with bean are the ones I like.

    All the puddings I tried are fine, though I like the dark chocolate best, then the toffee and caramel. Lemon needs lemon juice or lemon crystals. Bland.

    The oatmeal, once I got the hang of how to prepare it for my taste is fine.

    The crunchy cereals are great. The Berry Chocolat eand Cinnamon Crunch. I eat them sans milk as a crunchy snack. The Taco Cheese Puffs are okay when I need that texture/saltiness. I often crave salt. The pretzel bows are powdery and weird. But I dip them in mustard and they do okay.

    Hot chooclate (regular and raspberry) are soothing and taste fine.

    Bariwise makes better tasting protein bars and fruit drinks. Both brands, BariWise and WonderSlim are sold at Diet Direct dot com.

  3. Oooo, thanks so much for that, have printed it out and am going to place an order and see how it goes getting it through customs.


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