Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 17 Son of DDDY Challenge: The Asthma-Plagued Thanksgiving Edition and where drinking 40+ fewer ounces of water when eating high-sodium foods does actually take a 1/5th of a pound and water log....HAPPY THANKSGIVING! FELIZ DIA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS!

Scale: 243.4

I think it would have been a maintain or a loss had I drank the 200+ ounces of water. I had a very salty pre-bed snack (high fiber cheesy crackers, cheese along with the protein shake and apple for carbs). Without the usual evening barrage of water, I think it did bloat me a tiny bit. I felt it when I was lying in bed and touched my stomach/hips/torso as I always do before getting up to see if I "feel" less-of-me. Sometimes, I know a weigh-in is gonna be great cause I really do feel minimized in the belly/hips. Some days, I feel the actual bloat (you feel fewer bones, you feel squishier).

So, more proof for the benefits of La Agua.

I was not well enough to risk cat exposure at my brother's, so I asked hubby to take the dessert which was our menu contribution (two cakes for adults, one strawberry white chocolate, one carrot, and two chocolate cupcakes for the grandniece and grandnephew). Told him to feast, enjoy himself, hang with the guys and bring me back goodies. I was very clear on what to bring--turkey, very small bits of stuffing, gravy and cranberry relish (my family makes it, not the cans), and two sides I love--sweet potato casserole (my sister makes it lower fat than tradtional recipes, no marshmallows, spiked with amaretto) and green bean casserole (henceforward GBC, niece makes one regular recipe, one lower fat recipe). This year, sis made two versions of my most-beloved sweet potato casserole (henceforward SPC) : One her lower-fat version, one her lower fat with mango butter added (and by "butter" meaning a compote, not a fatty thing, for those unfamiliar with fruit butters). Mango is my fave fruit. Yay.

I served myself 5.3 oz of turkey, 1/2 cup stuffing (also reduced fat), 1/2 cup SPC, 1/2 cup lower cal GBC, 2 tbspp relish, 1 tbsp turkey gravy.

What I ended up eating: all the SPC, only the green beans plucked out of the GBC (about 1/8th of a cup total), 1.5 to 2 oz of the turkey breast, 1 tsp of the gravy, all the stuffing, 1 tbsp of the relish. I drank 4 glasses of water beforehand and it fille dme up fine. Had 2 cups of coffee and one small bite of the strawberry-white chocolate cake. Decided to finish my second cuppa with some lower-carb and high-fiber chocolate mint brownie bites by Chocolite (30 cals each).

Hubby finished my cake. I threw out the remainder of the stuffing and GBC. I refrigerated the SBC, cause I love the stuff and plan to enjoy it in small doses in the coming days. Yum.

Total calories for my Thanksgiving "Feast":   337 cals

I talked to my siblings on the phone, wished them well, then chatted with my middle sis for an hour after eating. Would have preferred being there, but I have fallen ill pretty regularly round Thanksgiving. Haven't missed one in about 4 or 5 years, but happens. Something blooms this time of year that sets off my immune response/allergies/asthma....

 Hope you all stayed on plan and enjoyed your family time to the max. Family rocks!

Food Log:

2 organic eggs fried (PAM spray in nonstick pan)
2 toasted slices Ezekiel Bread, 1 slice 2% American Cheese single
1 cup fresh papaya with lime juice
2 cups coffee
8 glasses water (4 before, 4 after)

Thanksgiving Food Lunch:
As described above.
8 glasses water
2 cups coffee

Dinner: None

calories total so far: 756 (102c/22f/41p)
fluids so far: 160 oz


  1. Here's to a less-squishier week!
    La Agua.... where can I score me some of that!?

  2. From your tap. :) I use filtered tapwater. hah.

  3. Oh PD, I am sorry you were stuck at home today.

  4. It's okay. I felt the love. Brother and kin were gonna come here and bring me food. I thought it was fine to have hubby go and save them the trip and we'd get together in the weekend or when I'm better. I felt the love for sure.


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