Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why Am I Losing Weight In My FEET!???

698 days, 8 hours, and 92.6 lbs to go...

As those of you who have read my blog(s) and seen my pics, I'm an apple and I want to lose weight principally in my middle for health (and aesthetics) reasons.

So, while my waist gives up the fat grudgingly, apparently my feet are wantons.

I'm having trouble keeping my feet in my vast collection of sandals and shoes. They keep slipping out.

Now, I don't buy cheap, Payless shoes. I have had recurring issues with plantar fasciitis (fortunately, after the 2 years of wearing orthotics and boots/sneakers/closed Frankenshoes and getting steroid injections in my heels the flare-ups are much rarer), so when that showed up, I had to invest in pricier, more cushioned shoes. Most cause at least $100, even for casual little kick-around sandals.

Well, my feet are swimming in most of them now, and I'm not affording a fortune to replace.


Well, it's frustrating that the place that most needs to reduce is just saying, "Napping now, sorry, try again later. " Dang.

I gotta have a nice talking-to with the belly here. Later...


  1. I have recently cut out white flour, rice, pasta and potatoes along with keeping my sugar low and my waist/abdominal area is changing fast. My pants are becoming quite loose in the waist just like my legs have done from the start.

    And I was like you, my midsection smirked and said "I can't going nowhere lady"!

  2. I just read Jillian Michaels book Making the cut and she said that there isnt anything you can do to lose fat in a specific place your body decides where the fat loss takes place. But i did read somewhere that drinking water helps cutting out sugar and starches like Kimberly said helps too...(i dont know where i read that)

  3. It will come off the middle as you stick to eating good food (low in fat and good carbs) and exercise. This really has helped me alot...

  4. The last year before I started losing weight my feet went up about a shoe size and here I am like 60 pounds lighter and my feet are staying bigger! Wish I could get back down to a 7-7.5...I sure do miss borrowing a certain friend's shoes ;)

  5. I love how you committed yourself to 2 years of working to get healthier. You can certainly do it!!

    And don't you hate how you always lose weight in places you don't care first? There's nothing to do though but keep trucking on. It's a sign you ARE doing the right things. Keep up the hard work. :)

  6. I totally lost a size in my feet and not one in my waist yet. Damn feet.


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