Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tracking for Day 2 of the Double Dog Dare

Okay, so, first things first: The scale.   251.8  (Challenge weigh-in 252.4)

Some of the bloat is gone. Good.

This post is for tracking calories. My daily limit for the challenge is 1760.

I've been doing my own diet that incorporates lower-carb WonderSlim (a pseudo-Medifast type thing, only cheaper and with more non-soy alternatives) with my food. I have consciously cut back on the quantities of rice, bread, pasta, though I eliminate nothing (though I do try to minimize sugar). Since I belong to an organic co-op, I add my fruits and veggies to the convenience of higher-protein WS Frankenfoods.

Yeah, it's a bit schizo, but I don't like the idea of an only packaged diet and right now I'm too damn lazy to go back to my mostly home-cooked organic diet (which was very high in fruits and made me hungrier than the protein rejiggered foods, interestingly.) I kid you not. I was spending so many hours in the kitchen and shopping when I did that, that it was mentally exhausting. I need to sort of slowly work up to the "more natural cooked meals at home" thing, and I don't foresee that happening in the near future. I really hate to cook.

And critics can say what they like, but I do find that having higher-protein snacks and easing off on the bread/rice/regular pasta keeps me from becoming a binge-monster. I love bread and pasta. I could eat tons of the stuff and be an a snoozy fog of serotonin bliss. I miss my two daily slices of buttered toast and weekly pizza and thrice weekly pasta fest.  But I don't miss the pain of a stretched belly or feeling bad.  I really don't miss THAT.

So, that's where I am. I do try to get in my 5+ fruits and veggies (harder now that I've cut back some on fruit to keep appetite tamed). I do take supplements (generally multivitamin, magnesium, extra C, quercetin, enzymes, and sometimes calcium if I skimp on dairy). And now I'm drinking that water!

WS hot cakes with sugar free syrup
fresh papaya with TrueLime crystals
bit of Smart Balance
Water (four glasses)

calories for breakfast:  318


Campbell's Healthy Request Mexican Chicken Tortilla Soup
w/added organic chicken breast (Valley Fresh)
w/ added black beans (Eden Organic)
w/ added reduced fat cheddar (Andrew & Everett)
(I made the whole can of the soup with 1/4 cup of added black beans and a full can of added chicken white meat, divvied it in half, then ate the half with the cheese. Saved rest for later or tomorrow.)
water (three glasses)

lunch calories: 335

coffee w/ sucralose
WonderSlim pudding
water (three glasses)

snack calories: 102

For day so far: 755 calories, 10 glasses water, 78 grams carbs, 18 grams fat, 54 grams protein 


3 cups organic raw spinach and 1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1 tbsp blue cheese crumbles with 2 tbsp blue cheese dressing
1 Aloha Mango protein drink (Bariwise)
2/3 of a gross frozen dinner: French Meadow Bakery Fragrant Curry Chicken (bleh)
Because the frozen dinner sucked: I made a half-sandwich with
Boar's Head Lower sodium ham (2 oz) and Swiss cheese (1 oz)
on Double Fiber Whole Wheat Bread (1 slice).
Unsweetened coconut water (1 cup)
Gummy Vit C , Magnesium, Multivitamin
Water (2 glasses)

dinner calories: 890

Total calories so far: 1646

Final edit:  I didn't have a late snack and stayed at 1646 calories and A FRICKEN RESERVOIR OF WATER! I spent a good part of the day in the toilet, weeing. I may have eroded part of my womanly bits. Maybe that will add to my week's weight loss--slimming by wearing away body parts?!

Second day of the dare on plan.

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