Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sick o' da Scale And Angry at My Wonky Immune System....

Well, my eating this week has been between 1400 and 1800 cals.

And the scale is not budging.

And I'm really sick of that.

Well, okay, fine, deep breath.

I don't wanna stress and set off  a binge. Staying calm. :)

Tested my allergy to oranges by having one with breakfast. It was soo good. I used to eat or drink oranges every breakfast for years, then got really sensitized. So, I stopped having them for MONTHS now. Well, within an hour, I had a rashy patch on my arm and my skin felt prickly. So much for the test.

Had a ton of veggies yesterday. Like 4 servings at lunch (had low cal veggie soup from a gourmet deli and I added some of their pasta fagiole to up the fiber, then I added in some of the diet cabbage soup from same deli cause I like cabbage).  I was gonna have spinach salad, but ended up adding the handful of cabbage into the soup. Nice. With a sprinkle of parmesan and coconut water (for my BP and to balance the salt in the soup)--lunch.

Protein shake snack.

Late afternoon hot tea with 60 cals of protein cinnamon pretzels.

At dinner, I had a biggish salad with my chicken and lentil-rice (yeah, I let the carbs in, sigh.)  It had chopped tomato, peppers, onions, and a lot of herbs on top. Really nice with the lemony vinaigrette. I freely confess I gave into having too much rice and chicken.

Late evening snack: protein hot cocoa and three 15 calorie low-carb biscotti.

I saw some gorgeous seafood on a blog and have such a craving. I haven't been able to have seafood since December 1997. Yep, nearly 13 years. In Miami, where everywhere you turn has seafood, where you can go buy fish fresh off the fishing boats at various locales, it's torture. TORTURE.  But going to the ER in anaphylaxis ain't no, no fish for me. No shrimp or scallops. I weep.

Dieting was so easy back when I could eat seafood. Shrimp and scallops and fillets (my fave used to be corvina, but any flaky, light-fleshed fish made me happy) are so easy to cook for a doofus-in-da-kitchen like me. And I loved it. And with some garlic and lemon and parsley, good to go. Low cal protein. I miss that ease.

And I miss tuna salads and sandwiches for lunch. A lot. Used to be my 2x a week lunch.

Today is organic co-op pick-up. Valencia oranges are on the list. I guess I better give them away. I'm allergic. Hubby has rosacea that blooms with citrus.

I love oranges. I love seafood. I can't have either.

I'm a bit mad about this today. I'm resenting my defective body.

Yeah, I better go distract myself from self-directed anger....


  1. Oh, I feel your pain, Princess. I can't enjoy most seafood anymore either. I carry an Epi-pen when we dine anywhere where seafood is served (esp. shrimp, crab or lobster) ... my throat closes off so fast, they'd never finish dialing 911 before I'd have no oxygen. Scary stuff ...

    Sorry to hear about the oranges. I suppose you'll have to use artificial orange flavored items to get the taste. Still not the same, but severe allergy sufferers don't have many options.

    Use your resentment of your defective body to your advantage. Punish the girl with healthy foods, no matter how much she begs for the good stuff!! That'll show her ...



  2. Hah! Thanks, Ann.

    I have had to carry an Epi-Pen since 1997, so it's a purse essential now. It goes with me along with albuterol inhaler, Cortaid, and my lipstick. :D

    I told hubby that if I am ever in the hospital and they tell me I'm terminal, they better set me up with an epinephrine and corticosteroid drip, cause I am going on a SEAFOOD BINGE>

    I'm dying with a smile on my face and smelling of shrimp scampi!


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