Monday, October 25, 2010

Double Dog Dare Initial (Bloaty) Weigh-In

Officially:  252.4

That's a bloated weigh-in. I was 251 Friday, 250.6 Saturday, 251 Sunday AM. Then I made a really salty supper (canned soup, low carb/ low fat quesadillas, jarred salsa, jarred jalapenos, and cause I ran out of fresh mushrooms, jarred mushrooms). I never went over 1800 cals this weekend, so it's NOT regain. The sodium content of supper is evident in this weigh-in.

Hopefully, the lotsa water required by the challenge will help flush this out in the next couple days.

But there it is. Starting gate number....

1 comment:

  1. The sidebar in the upper left hand corner of my blog has the 30 people, I think....


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