Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 4 Double Dog Dare Challenge: Scale, Water, Calories, Etc.

675 days and 90.8 lbs to go...

Scale= 250.8

Yesterday I ended up with 1556 calories and 12 glasses of water. (Challenge target calorie level is 1760.) I'm actually still lagging for tomorrow's weigh-in and to meet goal I should weigh-in at 250 or less.

Okay, then. This is gonna be the post with the Double Dog Dare Challenge particulars (calories/water).

Egg Beaters with Spinach and Mushrooms
1/4 cup reduced fat cheddar
1 cup unsweetened coconut water 
coffee, water (4 glasses)

homemade egg salad with lite mayo and mustard on romaine
1/2 Florida avocado
1/2 cup sliced cucumbers
1 small Brazilian papaya
Starbucks grande skinny vanilla latte
supplements: magnesium, quercetin, C
water (4 glasses)

lunch calories: 592 (Calories so far today--878)

2 cups Amy's Organic Lighter in Sodium Minestrone soup
1 tbsp grated parmesan
WS Vanilla shake
water -- 2 glasses

snack calories: 303

WS shake
WS Hot Cakes
2 tsp Smart Balance
1 tiny pear
water --2 glasses

dinner calories: 363


1/2 serving Kay's protein chips (chili nacho cheese)
1 slice Kraft 2% American cheese
11 grapes
WS shake
water== 2 glasses

snack calories: 226

I felt immensely peckish at night--really on the prowl, very snackish. So, after the protein chips, cheese and grapes, and still being not satisfied, I hit another shake. That did the trick. I calmed down. :)

Total calories for the day: 1769 (first time I went over so far in the challenge-- by 9 calories)
Total water for the day: 14 glasses

Wishing all my Challenge-mates well today!

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