Sunday, September 5, 2010

Preparing for the Tapas Temptation!

729 days to go...

Today we celebrate a few things family style (sister's birthday, 102nd birthday of late Papa, niece beginning teacher career). Sister decided she wanted a Spanish tapas theme. I'm making the Spanish Omelette (the quintessential tapas item).

I love omelettes and usually have one a few times a week for breakfast. But nothing in the omelette world is better than a perfectly done Spanish omelette made with Spanish EVOO, potatoes, (lotsa) onions, real eggs--up to there is the basic ingredients--and it's even better with Spanish chorizo and Serrano Ham. And as far as The Princess is concerned, adding Swiss cheese makes it utterly perfect. Some green pepper is not bad, either.

The potatoes kind of kill the lower carb. But everything else is a fat or a protein or a low carb veggie.

I am not sure what everyone else is making, but usually it will include Sangria (I make it sans sugar, use diet Sprite or liquid sucralose for the sweetening), some sort of almond torte or marzipan, fried chick peas with chorizo, ham/cheese/olive platter, salad...

I had a low cal, low carb breakfast with 3 glasses of water to set me up for the barrage of temptations...

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