Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Over, Under-eating and Frustrated with Co-Op

Mmm..I may ditch the co-op. I had been a member before with no problems (even helped the coordinator on occasion fix boxes), but in just a couple weeks, I'm seeing a coordination issue cropping up. (no pun intended)

There's a new farmer's market opening in October. There's one 20 mins away that has great stuff on Sundays only (organic, on the beach, which is a plus for coming cooler months). Whole Foods,  Publix and Fresh Market offer some pretty nice stuff. So....well, we'll see.

I've been sitting here for 2 hours waiting to get mine. It was supposed to be done TOMORROW. But shares were ready today, a day early.  Shares were first gonna be ready 4:30. Then call after 6. Now I find my extra fruit share is missing--again--despite my letting the coordinator know right off and asking her to tell coordinator and arrange for me to have my fruit share. (I got extra fruit last time, so it's consistent for me.)

This is more of a hassle than an hour long trip to Fresh Market so far.

We'll see. I just find that I don't want to have to deal with stuff. (There's another issue that's not food-related that came up, too.)

The organizer is a very nice lady and I respect her efforts to promote local farms and health, but hell, I'm 50 and always want to find the simplest, best option, and this may no longer be it.

That aside: Yesterday, I had 2 vegetarian meals, one with chicken. I went over my calories. Today, I"m well-under (okay, I've only had 250 calories so far. I'm sipping a 60 cal protein fruit drink, cause I don't wanna make a meal until I get this food share picked up.)

Goal: Just to not cave to cravings that hit in the evening, really. :)

Happy Tuesday!

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