Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oh, look, more reasons to drink coconut water--besides yummy taste and debloating

727 days to go...

Maybe not everyone loves the taste of coconut water (although I'd ask those people what brand they're drinking and if they've ever had it straight from the shell). I love the stuff. I tend to drink some nearly every day. It's the only fruit "juice" that I am drinking now that I'm doing lower carb--I refuse to give it up! (I do eat whole fruit, just stopped doing my daily glass of OJ or melon juice or apple juice or grape juice with breakfast.)

I drank it as a kid from the can (the sugary version that was so popular and to some extent still is). I went nuts for it on vacation to Puerto Rico when I was 9, where street vendors prepped the shell and stuck a straw in it for you. I liked it better than soda! Although I REALLY liked coconut soda (Coco Rico was the brand in my neighborhood, which I can't find sugar free anymore.)

As an adult newlywed, me and hubby would frequent and old guy who sold chilled coconut water from a refurbished old ice-cream truck. The stick-in-straw version. Yum. When that wasn't available, it was the canned stuff by locally available brands like Goya and Conchita.

As a middle-aged woman with hypertension, I discovered Zico in tetrapak and ONE and other brands. Zico went to crap (I no longer recommend it and have cases rotting here I refuse to drink). I now have enjoyed Nature Factor organic, ONE, Harvest Bay, and to a lesser extent the sourish VitaCoco. (My sisters used to also love the OLD version of Zico in the tetrapak, before the "change" with the brand.)  I suggest you buy several unsweetened versions in cans, tetrapaks, whatever, and see which suits your palate. If you like fresh and discreet flavor, try O.N.E. If you only do organic, try Nature Factor.

But if you like SWEET (and I do)....

...then try my latest addiction-- Amy and Brian pulp free or pulp-containing version in the TALL CANS (only the tall cans, never buy the smaller cans, the taste is NOT the same for some strange reason).  This brand has more carbs than the others (due to the selection of coconuts, not due to added sugar, and yes, I emailed and talked with the company peops to get info). But it's so delicious and sweet, I consider it a special Princess-worthy treat

If I could have the fresh from a chilled coconut daily for a reasonable price, I'd hit that.

But canned unsweetened coconut water is a very healthful drink (so long as you're not on medication or have kidney issues or other medical issues that would demand you avoid high-potassium foods).

Besides my addiction to the FLAVOR and my love of its debloating and blood pressure-reducing qualities, here's more info on why coconut water is a very, very interesting "sports" drink created by nature (well, nature's God in my view, heh) . :D

The Truth about Coconut Water

Off to have some....mmmmmmmm


  1. I'm drinking some Naked coconut water right now. It is okay. I think I liked the ONE better but I want to try one of the flavors next. I only seem to be able to find the unsweetened variety at Whole Foods but if it helps with the swelling I have had since Sunday due to walking in the humidity I will try some more. Now if they could just find a way to lower the price a bit :P

  2. That is the one thing i haven't tried yet! Will pick up some when i visit my health store this week.


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