Thursday, September 16, 2010

Off to Upload Pics for Post

Ah, did Pilates, had lunch, went outside to feel the sun a bit while I had my sneakers on. :)

I have a boatload of pics to upload to my Fotki account--mostly Pilates, two meal shots for my food today, some hair documentation (trying new products)--and when that's done (eek 74 photos!) I'll have my regular post of the day.

I am really afraid I screwed up the week's weigh-in with a couple of bad days and salty foods, but it reminds me I'm not fully in the right mindset. I need to turn to fricken steel and dust off that old mantra of 'Just say no!'   Only to non-plan friendly foods that will 1. trigger me and 2. get me above the caloric limit of 1800 calories. It's about calories, its about burning them and not eating them and stop playing stupid ass games with "Oh, I really, really want that. I need that. I deserve that.

No, I don't. I need to start posting fat pics of me (the worst ones that really show those bulges) all over the kitchen and pantry. I may just do that. Little STOP signs.

Anyway, until the regularly scheduled post...

1 comment:

  1. No, you don't deserve that, you deserve BETTER! Keep up the good work! You're getting it! (we all are)


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