Saturday, September 11, 2010

My First Bloggy Award for 2Y2HWA

723 days to go...

Thanks to Midori of Midori, Mighty Warrior blog (who has just days ago entered Onederland, so go congratulate her!)

Award works this way--

I thank the person who awarded me
I list 10 things I like
I nominate ten bloggers for the award

I have on occasion flaked on award thingies, mostly cause I don't like the way it reminds me of chain letters. So, I will happily  award it to blogs I like, but I don't expect them to do anything about it. I'd rather there be no sense of obligation. I won't even feel obligated to comment. Really, I believe awards should just be awarded without duress. So I will accept without obligation, and award without obligation, and say thanks to anyone who enjoys reading me. THANKS!

10 Things I like:

1. being loved by my sweet toots (ie hubbypie)
2. loving my sweet toots (in all meanings of "love", heh)
3. reading (especially books on art, science fiction, fantasy, health, poetry, history and Christianity, and reading all over the web).
4. dark sky meteor showers
5. a really good sermon that fills me with encouragement
6. a cool, bright, sunny day with a soft breeze for sitting by the bay with hubby and just love being alive...
7. singing
8. hearing good live music performed in a small, intimate setting
9. having someone cook great food for me
10. winter in Miami

Blogs I toss this award to:

Pick ten from my sidebar blog roll. I put ones there that encourage me, make me wanna keep going, give me good recipes, make me feel not alone.

I told you I'd break the rules. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see this was posted after I nominated you for the award earlier today. I'm not changing my list. I agree with you on the chain letter thing, but admit that I like it so much when I'm nominated, that I want to pay it forward.



Thank you for visiting and adding your comment. Because of horrible spammers, only "registered users" may comment. Sorry. I had to remove the crazy captcha, and this is the compromise. ~~~I always appreciate support from kind folks. If you have nothing constructive or supportive to add, please move along to another blog. Life is short and I do not need the aggravation. The journey is hard enough. Do not make mine harder! THANKS...and God bless you big time as you progress on your own path to better health and a happier life!